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  • NATO War Machine Devours Europe

    European countries are united under NATO, which has become a slaughtering organization in Afghanistan devouring foreign troops and Afghan civilians.

  • NATO: The Armed Fist Of The Global Police State

    The NATO summit is wrapping up in Portugal today, the main topic on the agenda was to decide the fate of Afghanistan, and also the adoption of a new “strategic concept” for the alliance. On the side of the summit,

  • Lisbon Summit: NATO Proclaims Itself Global Military Force

    The recently concluded North Atlantic Treaty Organization Treaty summit in Portugal gave Washington everything it demanded from its 27 NATO allies, at least 20 NATO partners providing troops for the war in Afghanistan, the European Union and Russia.

  • Britain: Thousands March Against War In Afghanistan

    Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets to march against the war in Afghanistan as Nato leaders discussed bringing an end to the nine-year conflict.

  • 50 Afghan War Troop Contributing Nations Meet At NATO Summit

    Nato number of countries are growing...they may not be member states but they contribute to Nato's war efforts and Nato's attempt at building a 'global war machine'. The number is 50 nations today but soon they will reach the predicted number of 80!

Asir Husain Young Writer

Professor Hasan Yahya, PhD                    -              - Lets Fly To Maldives

No To Nato

65 Tahun kaputilasi Jepang Dalam Perang Dunia


Genies in a bottle

Eyes in Sky - This video will really scare you

Watch Video Here

Though we do not really know who took the videos and where it originates, we have the information that it was taken after the Indonesian earthquake in Padang, Riau. If you look patiently at the video, you will see a pair of eyes that is formed in the clouds overlooking a village in Indonesia. It will really shock and scare you!

However, apparently this video was taken a few years ago in Russia. Hence the source is unknown and the location too but it is a very real video, not a graphic picture.

A 'crawling Jin' in the street?


Click here to watch the video

Is this a Jin crawling in the street in Palestine? The author who posted the video on Youtube has this to say: "This video came from first source of busines's security camera in Rahat - palstine. 

Video: Singapore's haunted condominiums

France: Jinn going to Masjid?

Jinns in a bottle - true story

Global News