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Asir Husain Young Writer

Jinns in a bottle - true story

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Nabi Sulaiman Alayhis Salaam, or Salomon, was one of the greatest of the great among the Prophets. He  was chosen as the Prophet after his father's demise. His father was Daud Alayhis Salaam.

He was given the special gift of wisdom from ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) where he could judge (see in Al-Quraan 21:79) between people in a just and fair manner. He was also given the gift of understanding as well as talk to all the plants, birds (Al-Quraan 27:16), animals, insects, wind and even the jinns (Al-Quraan 27:17- unseen creations) and Satan, the devil (Al-Quraan 38:37).

He was given this gift so that he could protect and be very careful in treating all the animals and insects correctly. He also had the extraordinary gift of talking to the plants to learn what benefit and cures they carried for the human beings and animals that needed medical help. His special power of controlling the wind (Al-Quraan 21:81 & 34:12) enabled him to travel very quickly and at great speed.

His ability to communicate with the Jinn was to make use their labour force in working (Al-Quraan 34:13). He even used the
Satans for buiding and diving into the deepest seas for its treasures.

Though we do not have most of the events during the time of Sulaiman Alayhis Salaam in writing, we have stories about how he controlled the jinns or the genies.

Though the genies are creatures from a different dimension and are basically unseen by the plain eyes of the humans, the genies can still see us and interact with us when they are called upon. However, for Prophet Salomon, it was a natural thing to see the genies and to even talk to them.

In one instance, trying to bring the Queen of Saba to embrace the faith in One God, Sulaiman Alayhis Saalm said: “Who can bring me her throne (Queen Balkis Throne) before she comes to me to submit to ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala). A powerful and huge

A Jinn (Genie) replied, “I will bring it to you in an instant, before you rise from your council (27:39). I will bring it to you within the second glance as I have knowledge of the power of the Creator.”

When the Nabi looked again he saw that the throne infront of him and said, “Alhamdoelillah by the grace of GOD I am pleased and also very grateful to our Lord for this.” He even asked the Jinn to disguise her throne so that she could not recognise it
unless she has the right knowledge.

This is one example of the powers that Allah granted to Sulaiman Alayhis Salaam.

However, in the long run during his 39 years of rule, the Prophet had to deal with rogue genies that wanted to control the earth and dominate mankind. The wise and powerful Prophet ordered his army to hunt down the genies. He taught the men who went on the hunt how to catch the genies and after catching them, how to put them in bottles which were then closed tight before they were buried in a cave.

It is reported that the cave was in Baghdad and the Prophet had warned mankind not to find the genies in the bottles as these creatures were too cunning and dangerous for mankind to deal with them.

It is also said that during the Gulf War entitled 'Desert Storm' in the early 1990's when the US bombed Iraq and invaded Kuwait, many of the 'bad' genies were set free thanks to the heavy bombing of the region where the bottles were allegedly buried.

Not surprisingly, today in 2009, there are many manifestations of genies in many countries. They are now dominant and prominent in countries like Malaysia, the USA, Indonesia and even in the UK or Thailand and Madagascar. India, Pakistan and some other Asian states are said to be infested with genies.

This is the season of good harvesting for the shamans, the bomoh's and pakman's (Malaysia's and Indonesia's black magic dealers) who can now call many powerful genies to be at their services.

To be continued...

Reference: http://media.live.harnesslink.com/files/f1115697950.pdf.

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Jinns in a bottle - true story
Friday, 21 August 2009

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Professor Hasan Yahya, PhD                    -              - Lets Fly To Maldives

No To Nato

65 Tahun kaputilasi Jepang Dalam Perang Dunia


Genies in a bottle

Eyes in Sky - This video will really scare you

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However, apparently this video was taken a few years ago in Russia. Hence the source is unknown and the location too but it is a very real video, not a graphic picture.

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Jinns in a bottle - true story