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  • How To: Risk World War III

    The Pentagon’s plan to fire ballistic missiles at terrorists isn’t just a nuclear Armageddon risk. It’s a ludicrously expensive way to accidentally start World War III: each weapon could cost anywhere from a few hundred million to $1 billion.

  • Canada Resurrect 911 "Anti-Terror" Measures

    Ottawa: Prime Minister Stephen Harper government's proposal to resurrect two controversional anti-terror measures - preventive arrests and investigative hearings - has again drawn fire from from former CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) director, Reid Morden.

  • U.S. Main Threat To Chinese Military

    The United States is the greatest perceived threat to the People's Liberation Army (PLA), a top military strategist told China Daily on Sunday, confirming remarks made last week to a group of visiting senior US officials.

  • NATO Integrates Brazilian Navy

    USS LABOON, Atlantic Ocean: Exercise Joint Warrior 10-1 concluded April 23, culminating with a visit by Commander, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 24 to the Brazilian navy frigate Independencia (F44).

  • U.S.Test Fly Hypersonic War Craft

    The US Air Force has test-flown a prototype hypersonic plane. Launched last Thursday from California’s Vandenberg Airbase atop a Minotaur Lite booster rocket, the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle travelled 65 hundred kilometres west at speeds of up to 21 thousand kilometres an hour.
    The experiment lasted 30 minutes, the closing 21 of them without communication with the vehicle.

Marjah, Gwadaer seaport and British Smuggling of Heroin.

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It is now for one week that the invading enemy have launched military operations named “ together” against Mujahideen in Marjah, a part of Nad Ali district, Helmand province. They have put more than 15,000 American, NATO and the hireling Afghan troops against a minuscule number of Mujahideen in the area. More than 60 helicopters, armed with hellfire missiles, and hundreds of tanks are taking part in the operation.
Marja has remained in the hands of Mujahideen for the last few years. Other parts of Helmand province like Baghiran, Dishu, and Washer districts are already under the administration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. So question rises why the enemy chose Marjah, a small area, to launch operations. Ostensibly, the enemy say that they want to put pressure on Taliban to accept the government terms of re-integration and reconciliation announced at the end of London Conference on 28th of last month. In fact, Marjah is a geopolitically important area because it borders on Baluchistan, Pakistan where China has a vast developmental project in the shape of Gwadaer seaport.

The invading America wants to control the transit way to Gwader in order to ensure a short-cut for supply of its logistics which are now shipped through Karachi sea port, Pakistan and through Tajikistan to the north of Afghanistan. They also want stymie Chinese involvement in the Gwadar project. Similarly, in light of the new round of the politically tense situation between Washington and Tehran over uranium enrichment and Iran’s missiles program, the White House wants to install new espionage equipments in Mrjah close to the Iranian border. In addition to this , British invaders have been extracting uranium in Sangin district which is fraught with raw uranium. Source - Voice of Jihad

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A strange phenomenon in Russia. A baby is born with the writings of the Holy Islamic Book, the Al-Quraan; seen on his body. It is on his arms and legs. The baby is Ali Yakubov and his special body marks has shocked the nurses, the medical experts in Russia.

This has sparked a series of comments from people to the extent that a Mufti in Russia stated that the phenomenon is a warning to the Muslims in Dagestan, where the baby is located.

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In Bahasa Melayu:

MOSCOW - Majlis Mufti Rusia kelmarin sebulat suara menyatakan bahawa ayat suci al-Quran yang muncul dua kali seminggu pada kulit Ali Yakubov iaitu seorang bayi lelaki berusia sembilan bulan di wilayah Dagestan, selatan Rusia merupakan amaran tuhan kepada semua penduduk Islam di Rusia dan Dagestan.


Menurut kenyataan majlis itu, mengikuti perintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala persengketaan, mewujudkan keamanan sesama umat Islam dan dengan jiran, membersihkan diri daripada dosa dan mula mengamalkan prinsip kejiranan selain bermaaf-maafan menyebabkan penduduk Islam di negara tersebut akan mendapat keampunan Allah.

Menurut beberapa laporan, ibu bapa Ali yang tinggal di bandar Kizlyar di wilayah Dagestandan kalangan imam tempatan mendakwa ayat suci al-Quran itu muncul pada hari Isnin dan Jumaat sebelum hilang dan digantikan dengan ayat baru.

Salah satu ayat itu bermaksud: "Allah ialah Pencipta segala yang ada.".

Apabila ayat suci seterusnya muncul, Ali tidak dapat tidur sepanjang malam dan mengalami demam dengan kepanasan badannya tidak dapat dikurangkan walaupun dengan menggunakan ubat-ubatan kuat.

Semasa dia dilahirkan, Ali didapati menghidap penyakit jantung dan berkaitan dengan otak tetapi dia sembuh sepenuhnya selepas ayat al-Quran
mula muncul pada tubuhnya. - Agensi




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Pass this URL on to others.

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Watch Video Here

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