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Reject All Wars - Only way to help the needy

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A juicy press release by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs released a report in which it calls for the U.S. to 'engage' religious groups across the world. Well, I say to the Council and to the U.S. to get their policies straight first before attempting at interferring in religious affairs.

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs today released its task force report, "Engaging Religious Communities Abroad: A New Imperative for U.S. Foreign Policy". The Council convened a group of thirty-two experts and stakeholders - former government officials, religious leaders, heads of international organizations, and scholars - to bring a diverse perspective to the debate over how to successfully engage religion on an international level.

My response to this new approach at luring Muslims into the U.S. dirty game of invasions and murders of Muslims in Muslim nations is the following:-

The US should refrain from poking its nose in the affairs of Islamic Religious communities abroad. After its continuous criminal activities on Muslim land, murdering thousands and walking away with it in impunity, Washington should actually be barred and banish as a state!

I do understand the motivation of groups like yours to create such wonderful appellations as 'engaging religious groups' etc as a basis or new prong in US foreign policy but it will simply mean interfering unduly in the affairs of such communities. What do you people hope to achieve with this new betrayal policy? That the Muslims globally bows to the US and fears the US because it has the fire power to kill?

Learn from Marjah and Fallujah. The true Muslims would rather resist, die and inflict fear and serious damages on the US everywhere it goes! Why is that so? Because the Humans, the Muslims still believe in defending what is right for them and defending their soil. They are freedom fighters.

It is high time that the western baked people using Islam for your own vested interest to seek forgiveness and to return to the true path of Islam and help the Muslim brothers and sisters who are being killed by the army of Sodom!

How to do that? It is certainly not these useless dialogues and newly wrapped murderous U.S. policies that will help. Is is the massive rejection of such U.S. attempts at polishing its dirty image and rejection of all its wars that will help!

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Reject All Wars - Only way to help the needy
Thursday, 25 February 2010

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0 #1 RE: Reject All Wars - Only way to help the needyana schwarz 2010-02-25 15:39
The claim you make on this article against the U.S. unilateral approach is justified.
In the search for consensus, they only have one efoque. To be a great military power granted always right...it is the same story, repeated here, there and everywhere...

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Reject All Wars - Only way to help the needy
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