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  • NATO's Military fort v/s Russia-China

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  • Analysis: The Caucasus Emirate

    On April 9, a woman armed with a pistol and with explosives strapped to her body approached a group of police officers in the northern Caucasus village of Ekazhevo, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia. The police officers were preparing to launch an operation to kill or capture militants in the area. The woman shot and wounded one of the officers, at which point other officers drew their weapons and shot the woman.

  • Afghan War: Khazakhstan allows U.S. flights

    WASHINGTON — Kazakhstan has agreed to let the United States fly troops and weapons over its territory, a deal that opens a direct and faster route over the North Pole for American forces and lethal equipment headed to Afghanistan.

  • Nato pay U.S. intel firm 'millions'

    ManTech Awarded $8.8M Contract from NATO to Support Analysis of Worldwide Operations . Will Support the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre in Monsanto, Portugal and Worldwide

US to give Georgia USD1billion, Americans has no Healthcare

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Why Vice President Joe Biden wants to give another $1billion to Georgian Aggressor Saakashvili when so many Americans hungry & without proper health care. Joseph Biden gave a hypocritical and propagandistic speech in Georgia on July 21, 2008.

He noted the largess of Americans — "they said, ITS O.K., TAKE MY MONEY, RAISE MY TAXES" — in pledging $1 billion in aid to Georgia. Only five million people live in Georgia, making it one of the highest per capita recipients of American aid in the world. But how he can lie like this on the behave of suffering American people. That looks like a reward to Georgian oppressor for starting last year's war that the lunatic lost. Joe Biden, the Gaffe Machine, falsely blamed the American people for such a strong desire to support his Dear Friend Mikhail.
Of course, he forgot to think that 90% of Americans never heard of the country called Georgia and 99 % will never be able to find it on the map. He also will never consider that 40 million Americans do not have enough food to eat and that millions are dying early because they do not have proper health care. But this is no problem for Biden, who has excellent health care and great meals in Washington and Tbilisi. Then new American oracle has foretold that Russia's economy decline will press Moscow towards making concessions to the West .
The interview given by the American vice president to The Wall Street Journal was the harshest statement in respect of Russia since the Obamas administration has occupied the White House. Biden has indeed deserved the name of the most "hawk-like" one of all of the "democratic hawks". This speech followed by several glasses of Khvanchkara with Saakashvili obviously caused incomprehensible transformation in Joseph Biden's mind, for he announced to The Wall Street Journal that Russia is currently in the worst state it had been within the last 40 years.
His awkward statements is obviously wrong. It is the same "historic" mistake made by Hitler and Napoleon who believed Russia to be a week rival. PRESIDENT OBAMA MADE DECLARATIONS ABOUT THE "RELOAD" OF BILATERAL RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA. IN THIS CASE, BIDEN HAS OBVIOUSLY DONE OBAMA AN ILL SERVICE. Following Saakashvili, Biden stupidly believes that the construction of tiny Nabucco with no gas supplies in sight will lead to the decline of the Russian pipelines that look like spider web on the map of Europe. Besides having called Nabucco an oil pipeline, Biden did not consider the fact that, with the forecasted growth of energy resources consumption by the European countries, the Russian pipelines will be always the basic oil and gas carriers to Europe. The fact that the elderly politician Biden got mixed over the notions of an oil pipeline and a gas pipeline is half the tragedy.
Why he follows the old and disastrous Bushs policies in the new White House? Why he so worried about imaginary pipeline and keeping the Georgian warmonger in power, but do not think about the welfare of American people? //// Georgia-Russia conflict basics: Georgia invades South Ossetia and starts killing Russian peacekeepers and scores of innocent civilians who want to break away from Georgia and gain independence. Russia steps in to stop it - fulfilling its peacekeeping obligation it had under UN mandate.
Russia gets blamed for being the aggressor by the West and Western media. U.S. neocons and other various warmongers (like Cheney, McCain, Joe Biden) get to have a field day talking about military actions against Russia, preemptive strikes, and a new cold war. Remember: When Georgia broke from the Soviets the West supported them in their quest for independence.
If Georgia has a right to independence (as they do) so does South Ossetia. How is it that the U.S. was OK with Georgia having their independence, but if the South Ossetians attempt to gain it (most South Ossetians have closer ties to Russia than to Georgia) they deserve to be attacked? Who says that Socialist and Communist countries are the worst offenders when it comes to corruption and propaganda? The level of hypocrisy and propagandistic lying in the Western media and by some US officials (see lies of Condoleezza Rice's lieutenant on video ) has reached new lows in their reporting on the Georgian war.



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