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  • The US ‘war on terror’, a losing proposition

    -Sadly, Obama did not prove to be any different from his predecessor. He is the continuation of the Bush legacy but in a different skin color. Has he realized that the “war on terror” has really become a war that has terrorized millions of people around the world regardless of their religion and ethnicity?
    There is no difference between a suicide bomber that kills scores of innocents in a market or a bomb dropped by NATO fighters or missiles fired by US drones that kill hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

  • Poland to move U.S. Patriots closer to Russian border

    -Patriot (MIM-104) is a theater air-defense system designed to counter tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and advanced aircraft. As well as the U.S., the Patriot is in service in Egypt, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and Taiwan. Patriot missile systems were successfully deployed by U.S. forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

  • North Korea beefs up secret warfare tools

    Western intelligence agencies are focusing on North Korea, a possible target in future wars by the Nato and the Pentagon. However, the strategic location of North Korea and its links with China are hurdles that even the U.S. do not dare cross. Pyongyang has however redied a few lethal tools to counter any realistic invasion of its territory.

  • ICC Statement on Afghanistan

    The debate on the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan has reached a critical point. Public opinion in
    countries all around the world have become aware of and opposed to the escalation of the war,
    which has is being sold as a « new strategy » by the governments of the most influential NATO
    members. Even the mainstream media now reflects this debate and disillusion.

  • No to war Not to Nato Letter by Rainer Braun

    We publish a letter from the Not to War - No to Nato (ICC) of Berlin on the Afghan war and on the upcoming Afghanistan Conference by the so called 'warmongers' or the nations that are currently warring in Afghanistan against its people. The statement from the ICC is published here: Full ICC Statement

Video Story on Politician face used for Osama image

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A Spanish politician says he fears for his safety after his features were used by the FBI to make a computer-generated photo of Osama bin Laden. Digitally enhanced image of Bin Laden with Gaspar Llamazares

Mr Llamazares is on the right. Picture of him: www.cepes.es

The mock-up of what the al Qaeda leader might look like now appeared on a US 'most wanted' poster offering a reward of up to $25m for his capture.

The image of the ageing terror chief with greying hair and stubble could be seen on the rewardsforjustice website for several hours before it was removed.

A picture of the politician Gaspar Llamazares was reportedly taken from Google images for the digitally altered image of bin Laden.

The Spaniard's hair and forehead were used to create the image of the world's most wanted man and the Spaniard said he was stunned and horrified at the news.

He claimed he will formally request an explanation from the US authorities and could file a lawsuit against the country.

Osama bin Laden - terror chief of al Qaeda

Terror chief Osama bin Laden

Mr Llamazares, who is known for his anti-American views, believed he would no longer feel safe travelling to the US, adding: "Bin Laden's security is not in danger, but mine is!"

"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist," he told a news conference.

The Spaniard, of the United Left party, went on: "It's almost like out of a comedy if it didn't deal with matters as serious as bin Laden and citizens' security.

"I have no similarity, physically or ideologically, to the terrorist bin Laden."

They do share one characteristic though - both are aged 52.

FBI spokesman Ken Hoffman said one of the agency's technicians was not satisfied with the hair images that the FBI programme offered.

And so, acting on his own initiative, he used the hair and forehead of Mr Llamazares from a photograph he found on the internet, Mr Hoffman added.

He said the action went against FBI procedure, El Mundo newspaper reported.  (Sky News)

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