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America is trespassing on Muslim lands

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There is a war out there fought on Muslim lands by a fully armed and deadly Christian army. The Muslims who are fighting the U.S. says they are doing so because they believe their land should not be trespassed by America but the Americans want the Muslims to bow to them and that is not going to happen.

The West, swayed by the call from Washington to fight a war against Muslims which they packaged as a war against terrorism, is not winning this war. If they were on the winning side, there would not be so much garbage thrown at the Muslims with the intensive profiling of flight passengers and the sanctions on Muslim states that does not bow to the U.S. The Muslims have showed that they do not fear the might of the American nation and its obvious advantages in the warfare arena. Yemen is an example of that resistance by the Muslims to allow the U.S. to dictate the government and this is only the beginning of a new trend.

In Afghanistan a larger number of people are stating the obvious: The West and the Americans with Nato on top of that have failed in Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai is also claiming that he and his team backed by the Americans have failed in Afghanistan and there is nothing they can do about that in the near future. Hence the surge in the Afghan war is not going to help altogether despite all the advantages that the U.S. and the Nato has with their powerful machinery and weaponry.

The reason why the Americans have succeeded in maintaining its control of the Iraqi and Afghani lands and has crept into Pakistan with their evil doing private contractors is simply due to the collusion of corrupt leaders in these countries. Here I will state one more obvious: America is behind the Iraqi regime in place at the behest of the American military force and bowing to Washington, the fake government in place in Afghanistan with the parody of a Parliament that is worth no ten cents even in the cheapest shop in Asia and the heavily corrupted capitalist led government in Pakistan.

In return these regimes offered their allegiance to the American corruption and this is how America managed to give the impression to American people by duping them indeed that America is winning against Islam. In Iraq, the Blackwater group – a mercenary and savage killing machine – staged a deadly campaign setting the Shia Muslims in a bloodbath against Sunni Muslims. This allowed the Blackwater to raise billions of dollars in 'security' funds to protect American interests in Iraq. The company made the money and America overstayed in Iraq, protecting a corrupt regime that it put in place to serve its financial gains interest.

In Afghanistan, the West organized a much publicized 'donor' meeting in Germany with the result that billions of dollars were to be sent to the war torn country. Instead of helping the people and rebuilding Afghanistan, the Australians, the Americans, the British and the Canadians divided the nation into regions controlled by their armies. The spent the billions of dollars pushing drugs in the Afghan cities and creating a sense of violence that forced the donors to send in more 'security' related equipment to protect the 'troops'. The Americans, Aussies, Brits and Canadians became rich with the billions of dollars supposedly voted for the Afghans. In which world did the Afghan puppet regime think anyone would believe that these Christian nations would 'help' the Afghans? Besides the western powers, the Karzai family and friends became rich and today they own large swaths of land and business that has huge turn overs. They travel to Europe and the Americas with loads of cash in their pockets while the Afghan people laments in poverty.

Yemen is a slammed door to the Americans and the tail waging British government and it should remain slammed and sealed to them for good. There should be more firmness in the Muslim regimes hands in dealing with warmongering America. The message that Yemen has sent should be relayed to other Arab and Muslim countries and it is a huge 'NO' to American armies on Muslim lands. The American armies have conquered enough Muslim lands and have caused enough sufferings to the innocent Muslims. This has to stop and if the Barack Obama regime has any sense of humanism in itself, it will understand that it has to pull out its forces and leave the Muslims to deal with their internal problems by themselves.

The American trespassing on Muslim land is the very reason for the rise in Islamic militancy across the world. Imagine the anger of the Muslims when they watch the constant bullying and murdering of civilians by CIA operatives and pilot less drones? The Muslims have feelings too and using the 911 events to advance the 'hegemonic' cause of the American failing Empire will not help Washington. No more.

The Muslims must continue to say NO to America's wars and they must join the anti-war movements all over the world to give the Americans the kick out of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq to begin with. The American people too must be held accountable for the crimes their armies and governments committed in Muslim lands.


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America is trespassing on Muslim lands
Wednesday, 06 January 2010

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