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The Runaway Muslim lot

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We all know the famous tag-line Runaway Brides but today we have a new one and it is: Runaway Muslims. President Barack Husein Obama, with his name fully borrowed from Muslim names, is an excellent example and his rise as President of the U.S. have encouraged many 'Muslims' to be like him.

This is a growing phenomenon, though not grossly damaging one, for the global Muslim community and it will grow in intensity in the coming years until an anti-dote is found. Recently I have been debating with some newly found people on the Internet based social-business networking like Facebook and Twitter. I have found that the 'Obama factor' is playing a very important role in this disease though I can state with great certainty the war on terror has played a great part in the dissemination of this disease.

Why is Obama to be considered a 'Runaway Muslim'? It is obvious that Obama has abandoned Islam since a young age and it is also clear that the American President who lived in Indonesia for a major part of his childhood is aware that he was a follower of Islam before he jumped ship. Obama has never agreed that he was ever a Muslim and has always stated clearly that he is a Christian following a certain little known Church but he never said when was he 'Christened' as well as whether he was 'circumcised' as a Muslim boy though we can assume that he had his head completely shaved as per the Muslim-African and global Islam tradition.

To become President of the most powerful nation on Earth, Obama could not say he was a Muslim at a tender age and still remembers the time when he was reading the Holy Al-Quraan like any other Muslim kids in the Muslim school he frequented in Indonesia or were among Muslim brethren during his short stay in Africa. He has also been numbed on the fact that his father was a Muslim man from Africa. To win the White House bid, Obama denied his links to Islam and forbade Allah from appearing in his political career being replaced by 'God'. He had to run away from his Islamic roots and he did it very successfully indeed to the point that he became the most popularly elected President of the United States since Ronald Reagan. And useless to state that he even grabbed a large majority of the Muslim American votes in the process. The fact that he rejected Islam and turned a solid page over his evolution from Islam to Christianity make him a world renown runaway Muslim. In Islam, those who were Muslims once and has rejected Islam later on in the course of their lives are called Murtad but for Obama, the situation differs. He was never really into Islam and when his father passed on and he lived with his mother, he found his true faith in Christianity. He may have read the Quraan but it was surely done with a his heart not falling for the Arabic thing while his mind was evolving with the 'trauma' that many children having a Muslim and a non-Muslim parent faces.

Obama sufferes from a syndrome and this syndrome has affected many so called 'Muslims' since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the wall of Berlin. These two global events led the world to another very important event: The Desert Storm or the first Gulf war with the rest of the world fighting the Iraq nation over Kuwait. The Desert Storm started a much bigger storm across the world with the American and Western agenda of targeting Islam and the Muslims after their relative success against communism in Eastern Europe. With the end of the Cold War between the Russians and the Americans caused basically by the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan, the West and the Pentagon with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) discovered that Islam and the Muslims were the real challengers to a smooth ride of the Capitalist world after the demise of Soviet communism.

The wars led by the U.S. since 1991 and the culling of Muslims in Serbia, Croatia and India (after the destruction of the Babri Mosque by a horde of heretic Hindus) implied to many people that Islam was now a weaker faith with an inexistent 'political' structure. The rise of Militant Islam in Arabia, the Intifada and the Hizbullah's struggle against Israel with the appearance of 'suicide' bombers in Palestine were the final stroke for a large number of people who within the Islamic world. Many of them who had the opportunity to 'choose' like Obama had thus chosen to become runaway Muslims.

The current wars with Nato and the U.S. in the lead in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and parts of Sudan and the decrepit situation in most Muslim nations as well as the rise of Hindu fanatics in India and Christian fanatics in Europe with the ban of Minarets and the pulling out of the 'Veil' from the Muslim women's heads in Europe in particular has deepened this syndrome.

This is leading some weaklings among the Muslims to ponder on jumping ship like Obama and to possibly become famous like him too in the process. As usual, when the ship is giving signs that it may sink – which is the case with the Islamic faith in the wake of the huge and incomparable Christian, Jewish (In occupied Palestine) and Hindu (In India) power – there will be rats who would jump in the water in a bid to be salvaged by a wave or by a passing boat.

But is Islam that weak or is there an appearance fabricated by the overtly powerful printed and audio-visual International (and anti-Islam) propaganda machines of the Americans, the Jews and the Hindu extremists (in India indeed)?

The ban on minarets in Switzerland and other European states, the argument that the Muslim calls for prayer or the Azaan (Adhan for some) is a nuisance as well as the banishment of the veil for women in some European societies coupled with the insanities and profanities hurled at the Muslim Prophet and the Holy Book, the Al-Quraan are signs that to a certain extent the non-Muslim world is afraid of losing out to Islam. The rapid growth of Islam in countries like Germany, the U.K., or France and even in China and Russia has provoked European states to take steps (radical and contravening the EU's own standards – hence extremist in nature) against the growth of Islam. This shows a visceral fear of the European population's attraction to the faith while Christianity and even Hinduism is becoming more and more passé.

The power of Islam has not been felt yet in the modern world but it will take a little bit more of criminality from the West to see the beauty of the Muslims and that will come when Western armies will take to their heels as they did in Iraq after the World War 2 and in Somalia when the Somali fighters culled U.S. marines to death in 'Hawk Down'. This could sound far fetched but the reality is that a few runaway Muslims, including Obama the syndrome stricken U.S. President,will not shatter Islam and the might of the U.S. and the west with their military superiority has not weakened the Mujahideen fighters. Instead, the insane Americans are now forced to enlarge the 'war on terror' which is a war against Muslims and Islam to Yemen and soon Sudan, India and Iran etc. This shows that the west is failing in its war versus the Muslims and that the time is coming for the Muslims to realize that they were literally 'cheated' by Obama who was acclaimed a 'champion' of peace after his Cairo speech – a speech which was filled with gaps that has since then been given the polish with the Afghan war surge and the Yemen war threats.

The would be 'runaway' Muslims simply be on the losing side once the American mess is cleared and its forces kicked out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen-Somalia-Sudan.

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The Runaway Muslim lot
Thursday, 31 December 2009

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MOSCOW - Majlis Mufti Rusia kelmarin sebulat suara menyatakan bahawa ayat suci al-Quran yang muncul dua kali seminggu pada kulit Ali Yakubov iaitu seorang bayi lelaki berusia sembilan bulan di wilayah Dagestan, selatan Rusia merupakan amaran tuhan kepada semua penduduk Islam di Rusia dan Dagestan.


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