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Israel may steal the 'Viva Palestina' show

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Israel may steal the show staged by the Viva Palestina international aid convoy now stuck in Jordan on the border with Egypt. Israel has the knack of responding tit for tat against such campaigns of denouncement by international and Palestinian groups.

The Viva Palestina convoy is still stuck at the frontier between Jordan and Egypt. Though Jordan is altogether a lackey of the U.S. and a partner in crime with Israel, the Royal Kingdom allowed the hundreds of Viva Palestina supporters, members and their tons of goods through its territory. But it is not the noise and the campaign against Israel that will force Egypt to open its doors.

Egypt is a proud nation and its government's blockade of Gaza and the blockade of the Viva Palestina convoy from Jordan are possible due to the lack of public support for the Palestinian cause and definitely a 'we do not care' attitude from the Egyptians with regards to Viva Palestina.

While the members of the Viva Palestina international aid convoy have made the decision to go on hunger strike in protest at the Egyptian government's refusal to allow the convoy entry into its territory, the situation may not decant and the Egyptian regime may play the ball harder still.

The main aim of the Viva Palestina convoy and its organizers was to offer the world an outlook of the force of popular support with a grand entry into Gaza by breaking the Israeli-Egyptian blockade on the Palestinian 'strip' that has today become synonymous to the Palestinian resistance. It is clear though that fighting the Israelis with a fiery and defiant campaign means getting the same response from the Zionists. With Israel's guaranteed support from the White House, it also mean shutting the doors of Egypt while the Egyptians bargains with the U.S. for better military and economic deals.

The Zionist state may however attempt at reaping the benefit of an unprecedented international free 'advertisement' exposure if Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu decides to open the gates to Gaza via Egypt to allow 'humanitarian' aid to be delivered to the Gazans. That would steal the show from the Viva Palestina and would make their entire campaign of support turn into a peanut in the view of the 'international community' which is composed of the enemies of 'freedom' and of the rightful 'humanitarian' aid itself.

However, the Viva Palestina convoy will be able to raise its hands high and claim victory against Israel and Egypt's harsh treatment of the Palestinians if they eventually break the deadlock with their 'forceful' hunger strike and their international campaign. For this to happen, President Barack Obama would have to bend both Netanyahu and Hosni Mubarak to accept defeat in the wake of an international backlash against the U.S. for basically ordering its partners in crime to prevent the humanitarian aid to reach the Gazans. In such an event, defeat will also be written on Obama's forehead and this will be bad for their New Year eve's celebration of their already proclaimed victory against 'militants' of all feathers world wide. Hence, it is pretty clear that Obama will not bend his peers from Israel or Egypt and they will leave the Viva Palestina convoy to its destiny, which may be one of rotten goods and missed opportunities.

The next time the Viva Palestina or any other such organization attempt at reaching Gaza via Egypt, it would be wise if they could pay a form of 'blood money' to the Egyptians in order to allow the convoy to reach its destination. And to break the Gaza blockade, including the steel wall built by Egypt on the orders of Israel, the convoy organizers would surely not want to raise the bar of an international campaign versus Israel well ahead of it reaching the borders of Egypt.


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Israel may steal the 'Viva Palestina' show
Monday, 28 December 2009

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