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  • Bomb leaves 11 US soldiers dead

    HELMAND, Mar. 14 - The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate caused eleven U.S. invaders to take loss of life and injuries using explosive-laden animal in the town of Marjah, on Sunday.

  • U.S. used mercenaries to target Taliban-Mujahideen

    KABUL, Afghanistan — Under the cover of a benign government information-gathering program, a Defense Department official set up a network of private contractors in Afghanistan  and Pakistan  to help track and kill suspected militants, according to military officials and businessmen in Afghanistan and the United States.

  • Israel diverting attention with 'U.S.' crisis

    Then what does the cry by the Israelis against the U.S. mean? It simply mean Israel is diverting attention from the real issues by creating a 'fake' crisis between the U.S. and Israel. The entire world knows that most major U.S. companies in which the Jews in the U.S. has an upperhand will support Israel and will continue forcing the U.S. to pursue wars in the Muslim land. Hence there's nothing for Israel to lose even if a crisis was to be real between the two countries.

  • Expeditionary NATO, Missile Shield, Nuclear Weapons

    The civilian chief of the world's only, and history's first self-proclaimed global, military bloc is having a busy month. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen delivered an address in Washington, DC on February 23 on the military alliance's new 21st century Strategic Concept along with U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her predecessor twice-removed Madeleine Albright and National Security Adviser James Jones, the last-named a former Marine Corps general and NATO Supreme Allied Commander. [1]

  • IED kills more American soldiers

    HELMAND, Mar. 12 - More than a dozen of American troops including two of the U.S officers and an Afghan translator were killed in the separate IED blasts that destroyed two of the U.S armored tanks on Mar. 11 and 12 in Marjah town of Nad Ali district, Helmand province.

Sensational Xenophobic Islamophobia

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Before, killings of this magnitude where Muslims were mostly the victims, the issue was seen by the world community as a normal inter-ethnic feud. But now that Christians have become victims of Muslim retaliatory attacks for past killings they've suffered, a deafening hue and cry against these normally peace-loving people are filling airwaves and print-electronic media.

This is not to condone any act of criminality by the perpetrators of such inhumanity to man. But we beg to put matters in the right perspective, and not to fault the religion for the misguided acts of people who we are not yet sure as to the true level of their religious consciousness. When the Crusades were unleashed by the Church during the Inquisition, the Muslims did not fault Christianity as the culprit, even if it was established that Christian leaders (including the Pope?) were involved.

Palestine and Kashmir have been under siege for over half-a-century by brutal occupation forces, and Chechnya for over a decade, but nobody is talking seriously to solve the problem once and for all. Why? Is it because they are all Muslims anyway?

East Timor gained independence in so short a time because it is a Christian nation! But the more deserving ones like Moro Muslims of Mindanao, in addition to Palestine and Kashmir, cannot even be given the slightest consideration by the international "peace-loving community".  But Darpur and South Sudan is getting an overblown attention by the West in order to put down the duly constituted Muslim government.

The Rohingya Muslims of Arakan, Burma (Myanmar) have been on the receiving end of Burmese apartheid and genocidal policy. But the champions of Human Rights can see only the plight of Aung San Suu Kyi who is only being held under house arrest. Where is justice that the non-Muslim majority is controlling?

If there happened any terrorist attack in Europe and the West, Muslims are being tagged as the culprit even before the smoke of gunfire have settled and the case being properly investigated. When the World Trade Centre in Okalahoma was bombed, Muslims were tagged immediately as the perpetrators. But the authorities never even blushed after the real culprit was identified as a blue-eyed American!!!

Today, whenever there are terrorist acts elsewhere, Muslims are still the first choice for witch hunters until their own kind is brought to justice as the culprit. Non-Muslim terrorists never get so much international outrage and attention for too long compared to Muslims. Again Why?

Do non-Muslims have a better idea as to justify all these Xenophobic Islamophobia and anti Muslim attitudes? Thank you for your honest consideration, sense of justice and fairness. /zba

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Sensational Xenophobic Islamophobia
Friday, 12 March 2010

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